Sha Bazar Mosque Gulbarga resembling the mosque at Cordova in Spain

Sha Bazar Mosque- Gulbarga resembling the mosque at Cordova in Spain

This is my last story about the city of garden the city of spicy food (Gulbarga/Kalaburagi)
i feel, sometime the FB walls are not at all enough to express the experiences which i getting from the journey, uncountable histories are lies our surroundings, those making us wonder how they built, how they planned those. 
The Jamia masjid at gulbarga is a yet another story of wonderful architecture. The masjid is the first covered mosque in Asia with capacity of 5000 persons. Completed in 1367, by Rafi an architect of Kwajwin region of Iran. during the period of Mohammad Shah, this grand mosque inside the Fort is a delightful monument that is still well-preserved.
The architecture has been followed the model of famous Cardova mosque in Spain. This Masjid covert an area of over 38.000 sq.ft. which contains 130 pillars, 63 domes including five large domes with 250 arches. This staged a strong Persian touch in its architecture.
The masjid also have the Indo-Islamic architectural features, but we can't find any other masjid in india with the same design. The Mihrab of the mosque may be seen from anwhere in the mosque, all worshippens having a clear view It is said that it resembles the famous mosque of Cordova city in Spain. The palace and other structures inside the fort wall are now in ruins. But the Jumma Masjid, noteworthy monument of Gulbarga is in well preserved condition.

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